Status: #toreview
Note Type:
Tags: #score, #spoilers

Score Calculation

At the end of a Score Run, a player's score is calculated using the following formula:

Final Score = (1 + Passages) * {  
    (1*Food) + (10*Survives) + ((-3)*Deaths) + ((-3)*Quits) + ((-1)*Minutes) + 
    KillScore + ((100)*(Delivered Payload?) + ((40)*(Helped Pebbles?)) + ((300)*(Ascended?))

To simplify it, everything inside the curly brackets is added up, then multiplied by 1 plus the number of passages obtained in game. Each value from the formula is explained below.

  • Passages: the amount of Passages the player has achieved in the run.
  • Food: the amount of food the player has consumed during the run.
  • Survives: the amount of cycles the player has succesfully completed in the run.
  • Deaths: the amount of times the player has died during the run.
  • Quits: the amount of times the player has quit the game during the run.
  • Minutes: the total gameplay time in minutes (does not include menus).
  • KillScore: the total amount of points gained through killing creatures during the run.
  • Delivered Payload?: if the player gave the green neuron to Looks to the Moon, this is a value of 1. Otherwise, it's 0.
  • Helped Five Pebbles?: if the player showed the green neuron to Five Pebbles, this is a value of of 1. Otherwise, it's 0.
  • Ascended?: if the player was able to enter the void sea and ascend, this is a value of 1. Otherwise, it's 0.

In conclusion, killing creatures, eating, surviving cycles, obtaining Passages and completing story objectives increases a player's score, while dying, quitting the game and taking too long decreases it.