Status: #toreview
Note Type: #move, #alternate, ledgepullup
Tags: #fundimentals, #unintended, #ledge, #crawlturn
Crawl-Turn-Cancel / CTC
There is a window to begin a crawl-turn-cancel by pressing up during frames 1-4 of a crawlturn. Slugcat pops into the air and ends up in the standing state. Slugcat reaches significantly higher above the ground if the cancel is on frame 1 or 4 of the crawl-turn.
The first-frame variant of this move is automatically performed by inputting a crawl-turn a specific timing after a ledgepullup. This leads to a series of "ledge alternates" of crawl-turn moves, which act the same but have slightly simplified inputs.
Performed on frames 1 or 4, this move allows slugcat to reach a tile off the ground within a few frames without any jump input, allowing for a crawlturnjump.
If this move is performed such that the crawl-turn flops over an edge, and the crawl-turn direction is held, slugcat will accelerate down exponentially until reaching a floor, in a crawlturnfastfall.
For the frame-1 cancel, if down, jump and the direction slugcat is turning away from are pressed around 4 frames after the quick crawl turn cancel begins, slugcat will shoot up 6-7 tiles into the air due to an animation glitch. This move is called a crawlturnvault.
If the crawl-turn direction input is released after exactly 5 frames, this move can reach more than jump height without a jump input. However, due to the canJump value ending before this max height is reached, the highest crawl-turn jump is still only 1 additional tile without turnstore.