Status: #toreview
Note Type: #move
Tags: #fundimentals, #intended, #crawlturn
Crawl-Turn / CT
It is possible to crawl-turn from the crouch state by pressing the opposite direction to slugcat's facing. This causes slugcat to flip over to crouch facing the opposite direction.
There is a window to crawlturncancel by pressing up during frames 1-4.
It is not possible to crawl-turn for the first 5 frames after entering the crouch state. Due to this it is possible to buffer a first-frame crawl-turn. This allows a crawlturnroll if down is pressed as slugcat reaches the middle of the buffered crawl-turn.
Slugcat becomes temporarily airborne during a crawl-turn, which drains any existing jumpstore.
Performed from
Allows for
Chains to
crawlturncancel, crawlturnroll